Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Hello all! It's me, Hannah! I decided it was finally time for me to do a post. Let me just start off by saying that I am truly overwhelmed and humbled by all the love and support my family and I have received over these past few months. I don't know how I would get through all of this with out all of you. I started going through the literally hundreds of cards I received while in the hospital and can't even begin to express how grateful I am to have all of this love and support. I also cannot express my gratitude toward my family enough. My parents have given me everything and I don't know how to thank them.

Growing up in a home like mine, I have learned to trust in myself, live faithfully, equip myself to serve not only myself but those around me, and reflect good graces on one person at a time. But none of us knew how to handle this. I thought that this stuff doesn't happen to us, it's only things we hear about. We learned take it one day at a time, some days easier than others. Everything happened so fast, I still don't think it has really hit me yet that my life is forever changed because of this cancer.

I am in the middle of my fifth week of arsenic and after Friday I get two weeks off! After those two weeks, I start another five weeks of arsenic. We found out last week that I will not be home for Christmas, which I am very upset about because Christmas at the Cobley house is quite the ordeal! I go back in the hospital the Wednesday after Thanksgiving and am there for another 30 days. Sarah is also coming home for November, December, and half of January which I am very excited about because I will have BOTH my sisters here! Woo hoo!

I will write again soon about the very interesting and entertaining things one sees at the clinic every day. Boy do I have some stories :)

Here is a link to a video that Sarah's good friend Jared sent me. While I do not have the same type of leukemia the man in the video has, it sort of put things in perspective.


  1. So good to hear from you, Hannah! We have gained as much from hearing of your strength and grace as you have from the support of those who love you.

  2. so proud of you hannah! you are a source of inspiration for us all. xxoo laurel

  3. You and this video inspire me ...
